I thought we lived in the 21st century. Yet, if you have been watching the news, or read newspapers lately, you must have wondered whether our society has reverted to the 13th century. I say this because, there seems to be a war against women’s health, women’s rights, and a disregard of women’s freedom to make choices, and a disregard of their voices in matters that concern them. When we think of abuse, we sometimes forget that it can manifest itself in many ways. Abuse can be physical, psychological, and structural. Abuse can be promoted through laws, cultures and religions. This is why I am concerned and feel I must address this issue is my blog.
To begin with, let’s see what is meant by abuse? Abuse refers to the systematic pattern of behaviors that are used to gain and/or maintain power and control over another. Abuse of women is present when tactics are intentionally used to establish and maintain power and to control over the thoughts, beliefs and behavior women. In all forms of abuse the woman loses some if not all dignity, control, safety and personal power. Abused women change their behavior, preferences and/or choices because they fear the consequences or retaliation of their abuser.
If you are a woman you cannot ignore the controversy in our media about women’s health and the rights to choose. The issue of women health rose to a higher level when a threat was made on the health coverage of Planned Parenthood. When Komen cure, a non- profit organization in Dallas Texas that has fought for women’s health specifically breast cancer threatened to defund Planned Parenthood, women around the world were awakened at they power dynamics at play and the blatant abuse of women’s rights. Soon, religious organizations were in the mix with the resistance of some to provide healthcare to women that included contraceptives.
The controversy over Planned Parenthood and contraceptives has significant implications for women’s rights and health. First, this controversy is not only about non-provision of women with healthcare, a basic right; it is also about women’s sexual control, a social trend that has characterized patriarchal societies for a long time. The basic assumption behind patriarchy is that women are incapable of making right decision and that the society should make these decisions for them. Has anyone wondered why provision of contraceptives is bad for women when healthcare continued to cover Viagra for men? Why the double standards?
Religious organizations have always sanctioned patriarchal societies based on the assumption that sexuality is sinful and a necessary evil that committed individuals ought to stay away from unless they are ready to procreate. In other words, sexual behavior that is not for reproduction is wrong, immoral and sinful. These two assumptions have led to the need to control sexual behavior and therefore to deny women freedom to engage in sex. Contraceptives are considered immoral because they give women ability to engage in sexual behaviors that are not intended to procreate. Abortion is perceived as immoral because it is a consequence of sexual behavior not intended for procreation. Has anyone wondered why God would give men and women sexual desires all year round if at all they are evil and not intended for use? Why would God give us bodies and bodily desires if these are evil? Also, the issue of abortion is multifaceted that to ignore realities associated with it is to live in a utopian world. Bottom line, to deny women their basic rights as human beings to make the rights choices in matters related to sexuality is oppressive and abusive, which to me is not only inhumane, and irreligious, it is also a violation of their basic rights.
There are many health issues that only affect women. Although the control of sexuality is but one dimension of it, most of women’s health issues are related to hormones that make women, women. You have to be a woman to know this that is why men should refrain from speaking for women on any matter that concerns women. The goal of organizations such as Planned Parenthood is to provide information and help that relates to hormonal needs of women such as reproductive health and implications for women general health. For instance, Planned Parenthood provides pelvic exams, pap tests and screening for breast cancer all vital health care needs for women. These tests are used to treat and prevent all forms of sexual infectious and to prevent all forms of cancer thus save lives. Many women have also been treated of infertility issue because of Planned Parenthood. Some cases of infertility are treated by taking contraceptives. You would imagine those who care so much about procreation would see sense in this aspect.
By providing women birth control Planned Parenthood and similar organizations help women to prevent unwanted pregnancies, a necessary step to preventing abortion. Birth controls help women to plan their families. Why do women need to control their birth? There are many reasons that make us want to control our families including economic, social and health reasons. In times of economic difficulty such as these, surely, we cannot expose women to the risk of getting ten children they are unable to take care of. Birth controls therefore make us into responsible parents. If a woman’s health is at risk of pregnancy, birth controls will enable her to live a healthy life without the fear of getting pregnant and risking her life. Birth control methods such as condoms help both men and women to prevent contracting sexually transmitted diseases including deadly ones such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and others. I should alert my reader that Hepatitis C is on the increase and is killing more people than HIV. In a nut shell, birth control like any other form of medication helps us to be responsible, and healthy. To deny anyone this opportunity is abusive and a violation of the rights of individuals involved.
Organizations like Planned Parenthood recognize the fact that in real life, there are accidents, disabilities and other forms of obstacles for the realization of a healthy lifestyle. It is for this reason that they offer information of various options to navigate sexual related issues and offer a safe and legal way to end unwanted or a dangerous pregnancy. There are many reasons why women turn to abortion. Statistics indicate that women turn to abortion because of rape, incest, fetal health, maternal health, the need to pursue education, joblessness, or other economic or social reasons.[1] Because some of these reasons are very real for some women’s survival, they are crucial for them. In other words, some women’s lives are dependent on abortion. It is for this reason that they will seek abortions whether legal or illegal. To provide these women with a safe environment to have this procedure is not only morally responsible, it is humane and realistic. Abortion is necessary for some women to save their life. To deny them a chance at life is not only brutal, and abuse, it is a violation of their basic human rights. Understandably, women should be encouraged to give unwanted children up for adoption. However, there are cases where this is not a choice.
Although every human wants to feel in control, accidents do happen in every aspect of life including in relationships. To deny women the rights to make important decisions about their life is not only immoral, it is abusive and a violation of their rights. After all, the good book of Hezekiah reminds us that "God helps those who help themselves!"- Hezekiah 6:1, 3:2.
It is important that the rights of women are protected. It is important that women are recognized as adults who can make their own decisions. It is important that social institutions such as governments and religious institutions stop imposing their will on women. God, as a loving God loves women just as he loves men and understands women just as he understands men. He wants both too live healthy and full lives. Such a life must endow upon them dignity because they are indeed made in the image of God with all their flaws and inabilities. A loving God will love you no matter what.
Religious organizations would come to the aid of women in times of need; this is what Jesus would have done. He embraced a woman who was suffering with the flow of blood for 12 years at a time when her society would have condemned her as sinful- Luke 8:43-48 43. Jesus recognized that women have special needs and these needs are as important as any other need. Muhammad also cared for women as creature of God. He condemned his community that killed girl children because of fear that they would engage in sexual behavior that would dishonor their family. Prophet Muhammad was against what continues to be done to women in the form of honor killings. In sura 81:1-14. A whole chapter in the Qur’an is dedicated to the need of women. As women, we should continue to demand respect and our rights because that is what God would have us do for ourselves. Lets shun all the Pharisee and the holier than thou because God has condemned them in the history of the world.