I worry that most changes in our society today seem to be sidelining the rights of the girl child. of course boys have their burden as well. While abuse is common in our society, girl children are more vulnerable because of patriarchal assumptions.
You know there was a time that women were treated as property. They could not go school, they could not work, they could not control births, they could be married to old men - a 9 year old girl would be married to a 70 year old. They could be raped anyhowly and no one would believe them if they reported. This is happening again. Do you know why, women are relaxing. We are forgeting that we have to stay strong ion order for our rights not to be trampled on. We can not let our society revert to the 1030's when women were seen as vesells for reproduction. We can not let those day back when women had no say in any matter.
We are 52% of the world's population and we have more power that we want to acknoeledge. We have to stop this. I do not suggets fighting anyone, but we have to voice our opinion and let the societuies in which we live know that we cannot let women and girls be abused in the name of culture of religion. We deserve better. our daughters deseve better. Our brothers know better and our fathers know better as well. we should educate them athat we love them so much and that they should extende the same love to us. We have to resist any law or change that marginalizes a woman of any social group.
Without laws to protect our children and to prosecute pedophiles, our children continue to live at risk. This is why, I hope anyone who supports us can make it his her mission to speak against any form of abuse. If we see it, hear about it, smell it, or sense it, we should not take it for granted. We could save our girls and boys from a terrible situation. Talks to anyone you meet. Educate them. You will be surprised how little they know about this issue. take it as your chance to do good to prevent cultural and other forms of abuse.
Work with me. Talk about abuse anytime you get an opportunity. Sing about it, yell about it, rap about it. Let people know that it is wrong and that respect of individual rights is worth it. if you want to own one of our T-shirts, so it speaks for you, let us know at wiso2011@gmail.com. I am passionate about this because I know it takes just one voice to make a change. Imagine if they were two, three, four or more voices? We are yet to accomplish a lot more. Hang in there and you will see.
You want to learn more about abuse,read our booklet on various forms of abuse. Email us at wiso2011@gmail.com to order our beautiful T-shirts. Help spread the word.