Monday, June 24, 2013

God is love, gracious, emphathy, kind, all powerful and truly caring

Yes, God is all the good things we want in our life. He is love, kind, caring gracious, a listener, and truly great!! God is the friend we want, the great parent that we wish for, the ultimate guy you rarely find out there. He is everything right?

To have God in life is to have hope, a purpose, something to live for. It is to value life, and to value yourself. Jesus once said; love your neighbor as yourself. It is difficult to love your neighbor if you do not love yourself. So God reminds us to love ourselves first.

Loving ourselves means a lot. It means making the right choices in our lives. This is not easy, but to be able to make the right choice, you have to have a plan, a purpose of life and the courage to make these choices even if they are tough. For instance, when you realize a friend you thought you had has been betraying you; sometimes the best thing to do is just ignore them. You know, friendship is two way traffic. If one does not reciprocate, it makes no sense to hang in only to get hurt. Moving on may be a difficult choice but it is always the right one. In fact, moving on will give you the opportunity to make new friends. I believe, God would appreciate a man or woman who makes their own principled and smart choices.

 I also believe that since God is love, compassion, gracious and all kind, he would appreciate if you anyone declined to abide by abusive teachings. God make us into rational beings. He gave us brains to seek wisdom with and to ask the right questions. He would expect that we would say no to anyone who would tell us to kill ourselves for their sake. He would expect that we would not allow our health to be compromised just because we have to obey others. He would not want us to be sheepish in accepting everything we are told without question. True, God would be unhappy with us if we did not use the intellect he created all of us with in inquiring about issues and concerns in our society.

So, do not be misled that God enjoys when we suffer. He does not. He cries with us and would love for us to make the choice not to allow ourselves to be mistreated or abused. Let us all do the right thing. Let us not allow anyone to abuse us, no matter who they are. And let us not watch as those we love get abused. Gain the courage to say no. Seek help if you must. Let's all try to emulate God. God's virtues are compassionate, loving, kindness and justice for all. Read more here..

Monday, June 17, 2013

Scriptures that Demean Anyone aren't God's

It is true!! Many a times we tend to believe what is written in the scripture. And we ought to. This is because we have been brought up to believe that what is written in the scripture is sacred, the actual word of God. As humans however, we always seek consistency and logic. Therefore, when we encounter contradictions we wonder why and whether God would contradict himself. Indeed, it does not make sense. But we need to remember one thing. Like any book, scripture must be read in whole in order to understand the message that is being communicated to us.

 I respect all religions in the world. I tend to believe that God has a way to communicate to everyone in this wide world. God as God is capable of sending several messengers to his people in different languages and in different cultures. It is therefore not important to claim that one way of religious experience is better or superior to another; otherwise we get caught up in ethnocentrism.

 While I appreciate all religions for the great wisdom they have, I am often disturbed by teachings that undermine other human beings. Truly, these cannot be from God. After all scriptures say, God love all human beings. Whenever there is a scripture that sanction discrimination of others or abuse of certain individual, I tend to doubt the source. It is important to remember that most religions emerge in cultures. Sometimes, these cultures may taint God's message. In situations where there is a message that contradict God as you understand him, pass it on as a culture because you can bet it is.

Seekers of wisdom will always find this to be true. Be a seeker of wisdom. Do not use religion to abuse or demean anyone especially children and women in your lives. God does not allow this. Visit us at and support us. Visit us also on Facebook at!/pages/WISO and like us.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sex abuse in the Military and then A Teen Trafficking Fellow Students?

This week has been depressing!! I think the whole month has been depressing indeed!! If you have been paying attention, the case of sexual abuse in the military has been in the media now for a while. There is an ongoing problem with sexual assault in the U.S. military. The Department of Defense estimates there are about 19,000 sexual assaults in the military per year. Of the 1,108 cases filed for an investigation, only 575 cases were processed.  Of the cases processed, only 96 went to court-martial. this is in spite of the fact that there exist rules and laws in the books to prevent sexual abuse.
The US Army Study Guide defines sexual assault as:
"Sexual assault is a crime defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Sexual Assault includes: Rape; Non consensual Sodomy (oral or anal sex); Indecent Assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling); and Attempts to commit these acts." (See  Army Study Guide: "Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program"). 
The 2005 Defense Task Force on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies report states:
"Within the military community, the term sexual assault carries a more far-reaching meaning that encompasses everything from violent sexual acts such as rape, forcible sodomy, and assault with intent to commit rape or sodomy, to indecent assault. While indecent assault connotes violence, violence is not a prerequisite of the crime. Indecent assault can be a mere sexual touching that occurs without the consent of the person who is touched."[ (Report of the Defense Task Force on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies)
Why is this? Why are the laws being ignored and why is no one taking a step to ensure they violators are held responsible? It is as if the behavior is tolerated as if it was the norm. And did you hear what some Congressmen  said about it? It was not only embarrassing to watch, it was sad to see adults men try to explain the problem away as if they could not do anything about it. One congressman said - it is about hormones in teenagers? Really? is an adult man in a leadership position can speak like a child is disgraceful to this nation and to leadership as a whole.  WATS more here about the congress discussion.

As I am still disgusted by what transpired, I read about this teenager girl. It reminded me of the last article I wrote. Watch out for abuse, it may just be happening under your nose.
This is a very sad story. A teenage is involved in trafficking girls to her clients. While most may be angry at her, it is our society that is encouraging this behavior. This is a pointer to moral decadence that is now characteristic of our society.

We need to wake up and reorganize society for our children. We need to prevent abuse and human trafficking by re institution clear and specific laws and ensuring that we enforce them stringently to deter potential culprits.  Our religious leaders have a responsibility to do their communities the right thing. Help change our communities so morals can be restored.

Community leaders, need to support religious leaders by ensuring that legal statutes are enforced and that the basic human rights of those who are abused and marginalized are restored. Just saying. Read more about the teen trafficker and writ your comment. We all can learn from you.

Well, I hope there is some hope here. We all need to do something wherever we are to prevent these beastly behavior. Remember to visit our site to support us in our effort to help prevent abuse and to shelter those in need for a place to stay as they transition from abuse. Visit our wiso2011 facebook to like us and write us at with ideas on how we can improve our services to those in abusive situations.