WISO is committed to educating and advocating against abuse and social injustice, However, we have been struggling financially. We are nowhere near giving up on our mission, but we are eager to expand our options. We also welcome new ideas because we want to continue to support those who need education via basic materials such as pamphlets and little financial boost to survive their difficult situations,
We have decided to partner with AVON, an organization that advocates against domestic violence. With Avon's help, we are participating in exposing their products and hopefully a purchase of an item will go towards funding issues related to domestic violence and abuse.
I urge all our supporters, and readers to purchase items from this website and to pass along the link to others so they can buy and help us fundraise for our cause. Go to https://wiso.avonrepresentative.com/ and support us.
We thank you in advance
WISO President. .