Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Supreme Court's Decision on Gay Marriage

The world has changed very fast, and why not? Life is change and is life. While there are different feelings about this decision, it is my opinion that everyone is entitled to how they feel and it is important that we learn to respect others view. We live in a global world with different many things. Different values, different colors, different opinions, different religions, different classes, different food, different clothing, different environment, different styles and wow, we should appreciate these varied opinions which remind us of the reality that we live in. 

One thing that is worth noting is that as long as we work at not oppressing, abusing, discriminating, and marginalizing anyone for the simple reason that they are different from us, I am okay with this. In this case, it was the Supreme Court that handed down to us what they believed to be the right thing. If we live by the law of the land, well, we have to abide by it in spite of how we feel about certain things.  

What is marriage anyway? Marriage is a social institution created by society so family members can express love to each other in it. It is a way to love, procreate and be better humans. If some can enjoy it, all of us should be able to enjoy it. It would be really sad and has actually been sad to see that some had the opportunity to express love to those they love while others were denied the opportunity to do so. 

 It is good to see that a group that has been marginalized for way too long has finally received the right to operate like other fellow beings. It is good to see change free that burden that many have had to bear for a very long time. I see this as something Jesus would do- ask that they should be left to live their life the way God made them. And hey, the Dalai Lama with his compassion teachings, He would be on the side of the oppressed. How about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? He was a champion of social justice and I believe he would always stand with the oppressed to advocate for social justice. 

Well, God created us all to serve him. Let us serve him by loving his creatures, all of them. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Some Scars Never Heal

Yes indeed. Some scars never heal, especially those that come from abuse. Those of us who have been abused may hope to forget, wish away and try to ignore how much it harts to think about how an abuser has hurt us. I know so very well how this pain never heals. The pain is more than the physical pain, so anyone who has not been through abuse cannot know what we are talking about. 

It is for this reason that I forgive, or so I think I do, those who I reached out to in order to speak to someone about the abuse I was going through, and no one seemed to believe me. I needed someone to listen to my situation, and may be guide me on how to deal with it. It was disappointing to see that some of those I spoke to thought I was making up what I was saying. Devastating. It is devastating to reach out for help and to not be believed. 

What is interesting is that one of these individuals was petty in noticing that something was bothering me. He/she wanted to know what was bothering me. I confided in this person. I thought she/she would keep my confidence, at least as given the career path of this individual. Oh no. I should have known.

The other one got even closer. While I appreciated the help, it suddenly began to feel strange when she/he would tell everyone who came by what I had gone through. This was confidential stuff, and she is now broadcasting? What is even more devastating is the fact that this individual invites me to her/his home for safety. And here is where it all happens. I am abused again. I am raped all over again. I figure, I have to report this. But other social factors come to play. The rapist is close to my boss such that if I reported him, they are unlikely to believe me. I love my job so very much that I decide to keep up with this crap. I can’t afford a good attorney and so and on and on....

I share this experience because I know that there are many children, women, and even men who go through this difficult time when that are trying to survive abuse. While this is real experience in some aspects, I have avoided to use real names to protect certain people's identities. I suppose if they read it, they will know themselves though. The point is, the pain of abuse is too much so you reach out for help. Then you get burnt by those you confide in. it is terrible. 

I am here to let you know that this experience should not make you give up. There are people there that can genuinely help you. In life we run into bad luck, quite often. However, we should never give up because of our bad experience. I haven't.  Join me as we expose those abusers and protect those who shun abuse. Let's give especially children a chance at life. 

At WISO we mentor young girls and boys, and we listen to situations and help refer survivors to the right resources in the community so they can get genuine help. We speak to all who are interested. To initiate a discussion, contact us at or visit to let us know anyone who we should reach out to.

Enjoy your peace!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

This scar(s)?

Yes, I have scars on my body that resulted from abuse, and not many people know about them. While this is the reason I do what I do, I worry mostly about those whose scars we cannot see. Those who we thing are fine, yet they are hiding their scars, stories of abuse because they do not want to be looked at in a different light. I know this because many women and men; survivors of abuse will tell you that when they experienced abuse it was very difficult to convince those close to them about.

My first scars that remind me about abuse remind me a lot of things. I remember when I got these scars because this man I was dating thought that they only way to keep me from walking away from him was to bite me. Oh yes, my scars are bites from a man. Shame right, but that did not stop me from walking away from him. I went as fast as I could away from him. 

What was interesting on that day was that; when I sought help from a guard who was guarding our neighborhood, all I was asked is why I had let him into my house. It was as if inviting a friend into your house justifies abuse. 

I share this because there are very many women out there who are often blamed for the abuse they go through. There are women who have been told all their lives that what happened to them was because they made it happen. No one should ever, believe that abuse that is happening to them is because they are not the reason for their abuser's behavior. 

Parents, we have a responsibility to instill in our children these values. We should not let them take responsibility of other people's abusive behavior. The first step to do this is to teach them on how to call out on abuse, even if this happens in their families, close friends and others. An abused individual needs encouragement to survive their ordeals, turning against them and blaming them for what happened to them is wrong. 

Like me, we can all overcome abuse, but there is a chance that some of us may not. Being there for each other is the first step, even if we are not so close to each other, 

Nurse your scar, but do what you are capable of doing to confront your abusive situation by leaving or seeking help. Always remember that abuse may not be as apparent to us. It is often hidden in scars that are often invisible. Having the ability to identify these scars and to seek help or provide support to anyone who is living the situation is what we are all about. Let’s be proactive and save a few lives, once and many more times. 

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Be Ware of Friends in Times of Need!!!

It has been a while since I posted a blog. I apologize for this. A lot of changes are taking place and I have been in the midst of all this. Do give up on us as new and better news is on the way. I will soon put a blog up on my my passion with this work is motivated by my own experience as a survivor of abuse. Sad to know that those close to you and especially those who call themselves friends in times of need can be the enemies you never knew. Yes, I was abused in a friends house where I sought shelter from an abusive husband. Double whammy I said. I have been quiet all this time but I am ready to tell it all. Stay tuned!!
