Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Pastor Who Raped Girls claims they had the Devil in Them?

A pastor charged with rape of girls claims that the girls had devils inside them. Really? This man should never have been a pastor in the first place. Members of his congregation should have seen the red flags and said something before this happened. Read more here:

Stories like these are becoming more common in our society than we can bear. When those in positions of leadership forget their responsibility to uphold a high moral standard, we know that our society is living under the worst moral decadence. Moral decay happens when society decided that they do not care what happens to their neighbor, and anyone else. Soon, everyone does not care about friends and even family members. This is not to mention the apathy often displayed towards the consequences of such behavior.

Unfortunately, as social being, humans have to remember that we are moral being. It is in our human self to create norms and to choose those norms that bring the highest good in us as well as the highest pleasure. These values in themselves are not as satisfying unless they are experienced within family and friendly relations. It is for this reason that norms and morality must be upheld. It is for this reason that we frown at a pastor who assaults children under his care, or a family member assaulting a family member. There is something very, very wrong with that picture.

I have wondered why abuse happens in the wrong places. A pastor abusing children under his care is one of the gross things one has to hear. It should be a law that anyone in leadership who is guilty of abuse should not only be convicted, they should never be allowed in leadership positions ever again. If this was ensured, we would have the most vulnerable members of our community protected. Children, boys and girl, and the elderly, and of course women need to be protected from pedophiles.

After you read this narrative and care about stopping leaders who do this to their subjects for whom they are expected to uphold the highest degree of moral uprightness, we ask that you join us in assisting an abused survivor to redirect her/ his life. Join us at  Support us as we expose these pedophiles and how to stop them.

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