Saturday, March 23, 2013

Conference in Religion, Immigration, Health and Human Rights

1st International Conference on Religion

Theme: “Religion, Immigration, Health, & Human Rights:

Challenges and the Way Forward

September 27-29, 2013

Greenville, NC 27858


1. Religion & Immigrants
2. Domestic Violence
3. Female Genital Cutting
5. Human Trafficking
6. Honor Killings
7. Religion and Health Policies
8. Health & Human Rights
9. Clerics on immigrants’ health
10. Minority communities and Religion

Abstract Submission

Submit your abstract to the convening committee by May 15, 2013. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and should be in the following format: 12 point Times New Roman, Single Spaced and in APA referencing style. Top, bottom, left and right margins should be one (1) inch each. Soft copy should be saved as a word file (MS Word 2003 format or Rich Text Format). The abstract should include full contact details (title, name, address, email address, and telephone) as well as institutional affiliation. Papers presented at the conference will be published in edited volumes after peer review process. Posters are also welcome.  Send all abstracts and concerns to

See application details and forms at

Come join me and others as we discuss and share on these important issues on our world today. Spread far and wide if you are able.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

VAWA Bill Signed into Law- Hooray!!!

March looks bright for women. We can make it even bright! The signing of the VAWA Bill into law is a huge step into ensuring that our women - daughters, mothers, wives, aunts - and indeed all women are treated as human beings with rational capability to make their own decisions. These women who make more than half of the world’s population need to be respected and to be protected from domestic and other cultural legitimized violence.

We can all ensure that we do something to ensure that no girl child, daughter, sister or our neighbors daughter is exposed to domestic violence. Yes, we can do something about it. If you sustect that something is not right about any woman's situation, you are probably right. You can do something, by first asking if she needs to talk, hugging her and proceed to do the necessary. Calling for help is most important. You can do it.

At WISO, we help guide us on how to do this. Let’s have our girls and women live a great life because they deserve it. They are human, worth of every respect and right to be treated with dignity. - just saying! -  Visit our website and see what we do. We are always evolving and hope to do a lot towards combating any form of abuse against all especially women because they are the most vulnerable.

President - WISO